Obi-Wan talking to Jango in AOTC. Obi-Wan talking to a Jango clone in ROTS. ![]() Padme and Luke don't trust the guys who are going to help them. "You've never won a race? Not even finished?" and "What a piece of junk!" ![]() Very similar shots of Han and Luke in spaceships in ANH and ROTJ here. ![]() Anakin wakes up from his nightmare in AOTC at the same time that the Death Star fires on Alderaan. The scenes right after these are very similar, Padme and Luke are worried about Anakin and Obi-Wan who have been having force visions of crappy things happening. ![]() Jabba spits out that thingy in TPM at the same time that Obi-Wan force pushes Grievous in ROTS. ![]() A pretty obvious one: podrace, Obi-Wan chasing Grievous, and speeder bike chase, all going on at the same time. ![]() Obi-Wan teaches Luke how to deflect blaster bolts with a lightsaber in ANH, while he does it himself in AOTC. Also, Yoda is teaching Luke stuff too, in ESB. And Luke deflects some blaster bolts with his lightsaber a bit later in ROTJ, while Obi-Wan is still teaching him about it in ANH. A big synchronicity party here. ![]() Three of the most important and lifechanging events of Anakin Skywalker's life. At the same time. Sweet. ![]() 812 KB MPEG And the synchronicity in that part goes on. Anakin talks to Padme in TPM about missing his mother, just as his mother dies in AOTC, whereupon he goes on a murderous rampage. Meanwhile Order 66, including his second murderous rampage, begins in ROTS. I got an email pointing out that also, this is the scene in ROTJ where Luke and Leia talk about their mother. ![]() Han says "I have a bad feeling about this" in ANH, as Order 66 continues. Yoda and Mace Windu are talking in AOTC at the same time about how, basically, they too have bad feelings about this. ![]() 3PO encounters stormtroopers in ANH and ESB. ![]() ROTS: Anakin, having become Darth Vader, kills younglings. ESB: "Luke, I don't want to lose you to the emperor the way I lost Vader." ROTJ: "I have accepted the truth that you were once Anakin Skywalker, my father." "That name no longer has any meaning for me." ![]() Palpatine announces his increasing power to the senate, in AOTC and ROTS. Wheeeeee. ![]() |